The results from the Rare item Poll #2 were really interesting and gave
us a good idea on how you are thinking. What we can see from the result
is how you don’t want the rare items to come back. We also think the
methods of bringing back the rare items were too broad and so we want to
spend a few days analyzing the results and coming up with some more
specific ways to bring back the rare items and then putting them in a
poll for you. runescape accounts for sale.At the end of the week we will give you more information
on how we can move forward.
If you don't give us repoll on discontinued. Im sure alot people quit.
Also alot people begun botting no risk. Because rares no value. Let me
remind you I hate bots as you tho. But I'm tired this over 50% wanted
them to be discontinued so let them be.
Don't betray us second time round.
The majority did vote for discontinued and we shouldn't need 75% because
they were discontinued in the first place - although we probably would
have got 75% anyway if the question wasn't worded in such a confusing
way.sell rs accounts.It'd be great if you could actually CLARIFY this though. We have been asking for days.