
Out of sheer curiosity of being a F2P player

Regarding the toolbelt, can you have an option of removing 'tools' from there? I know it sounds funny that I should request this, but it tends to get annoying sometimes... Are you looking for runescape account? I can recommend a reliable place to you. For example, while training Fire-making, I had a tinderbox and a knife stored in my belt and while clicking on a log, I was offered with 2 options:
1) Use the tinderbox to light a fire
2) Use the knife on the log. (p2p)

Out of sheer curiosity of being a F2P player, I clicked on the knife :P . However, later I couldn't one-click on the log to light it as it kept saying "You need to be a member to do that" which was actually the message for the Knife option. Can some changes be done ?
Do you need accounts for sale runescape? Please visit here. In addition to this, can you make it possible for us to add tools (Pickaxes, Hatchets etc.) of other metals other than just Bronze. For example, Rune, Adamant etc.? Not only would it save a couple of spaces in our bank, it would also be extremely efficient while training skills like Mining, Woodcutting etc. 

There is no point in training these skills with Bronze tools especially at high levels and carrying a Rune tool along in inventory somewhat defeats the purpose of having a toolbelt.
runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? ok i created my character like idk 9-10 years ago and well my character started with certain bots/feet when i created it.. now in th efuture theres alot nicer ones to choose from when we create new characters.


So many things that have no good reason not to be tradeable can't be traded

Its also annoying so many things that have no good reason not to be tradeable can't be traded. Why should goblin light orbs not be tradeable? Make untradeables able to be noted so they can be dropped all at once, and reconsider if so many things should be untradeable. You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try. Improve the drop table for zombies in the haunted mine area near Tarn's lair. More cannonballs, better items for high alching like steel platebodies, black platebodies, noted nightshade.

Consider adding better items in the digsite, more arrows at once, better armour and items, possibly better mining xp and more levels of digsite areas. Add better drops for Dark Beasts and reduce the number assigned per slayer assignment. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Maybe add black platebodies, sets, and add a Dark Beast horn drop for use in herblore and a new anti-prayer potion that when used reduces the opponents prayer. Add black bars as a rare drop for dark knights.

Add a reward for slayer to be able to pick a task someone wants for 100 slayer points.
Let players reduce or increase the number when assigned a slayer task. Give slayers the option to get slayer task lists that include all the monsters a slayer master can assign and let them do each task in any order to complete the list. Let slayers add a monster to their list the slayer master doesn't normally assign. People are
looking for runescape accounts sell tips here. would love to be able to make fishing mixes with less clicks. Ya'll could use the same model ya'll use for other stuff, just apply it to mixing roe or caviar with "potion name here"(2).


I find it annoying that you can't fix Nex armour

I find it annoying that you can't fix Nex armour (Torva, Virtus and Pernix) when they are at 100% charge. Therefore, I think all Nex armour should be fixable when it is at "100%" charge (at the cost of fixing them at 99%). You can trade runescape accounts here, go and have a try. When I had Virtus and I didn't like it I actually had to wait more like 15-20 minutes (Than "6" minutes) of being in combat to degrade it to 99% so I can fix it and sell it.

Why would Jagex create a Wisdom Aura for 40K Loyalty Points that only gives 2.5% XP boost and not 2.5x. That's a big difference. I have a friend you got 40k before I did and he found out the hard way, wasting 40k LP. Is there going to be an update to the Wisdom Aura or is that the way it was designed. You can sell runescape accounts here. Add a way for people to know whether someone has rigour or not; both quickchat or a small prayer icon would work. Reasoning: As of now, MANY people are using piety at nex because they dont wish to spend the time dging 140k tokens, and they use piety instead of eagle eye for the extra 10% defence so they dont have to tank. This slows down kills by an extreme amount.

Add a quick clear option for fruit trees. Reasoning: Why not? You added one for calquat, and this would speed up farming trips by a good amount. Add timers to show the remaining duration of various potion effects, such as antipoison, antifire, overloads, and juju potions. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. When you drink a potion it would add a timer to the interface, and when it hits 0 it would disappear.


Please make it so that the Talent Scout does not force you to take the Gorilla mask back

When dropping items or stacking them on a table, have the game check to see if there is already a stack of that item in that space, and add the item to that stack. This could potentially simplify data structures throughout RuneScape, as well. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Then, when a player picks it up, the game would fill one slot in their inventory from that item's stack. 

Make runecrafting pouches fill and empty automatically when withdrawing essence and when crafting runes. Please make it so that the Talent Scout does not force you to take the Gorilla mask back (if you destroyed it) when he calls for you. Not only does it waste time by having to go through the dialogue, but some people don't like the mask. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. If I destroy it, I don't want to keep getting it back just to destroy it again. Make it a secondary option from him, such as "I lost my mask, may I have another?" The mask cannot be stored in your house, which would also work to bypass this and save a bank space. Perhaps you could just simply allow it to be stored and fix everything in the process.

A third (and possibly the best) option would be to have a right click "start activity" option on the Scout himself. This would skip the silly, time consuming knock-out routine as well as bypassing the dialogue for the mask. People are
looking for runescape accounts for sell here. It is entertaining at first, but after the 10th time it becomes "OK, I get it, you knock me out, please just get to the activity!" A link to the home page on the runescape tool bar would be good (unless there already is one and ive missed it all this time)


I mean can u craft with tinderbox?

For skilling clans and the like:Just like there is a quick chat feature for displaying combat levels, add a quick chat feature to display total levels. Allow ext and ovl to be used effectively at armored zombies meaning they don't reset when we go up the stairs to charge prayer. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. I would love to see the party room crowded and used again make a party room world?

Allow Fist of Guthix rewards to be repaired using cash. It should function similar to repairing Dungeoneering rewards where you can use tokens only, cash only or some combination of the two. since the realease of toolbelt, i added the knife and tinderbox and the 1st option when u click a log is craft, when i clicked craft it said which tool do u want to use, i mean can u craft with tinderbox? runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? so just fix that when we click log it would give straight option to choose whether we craft short or long unf bow instead of having to choose tool first

I think it will be a good idea if penance sets from barbarian outpost were storeable in a costume room's armour case in a Player Owned House. A penance set that would be easily storeable in a Armour case consists of Fighter Torso, Penance gloves, Penance skirt, Penance boots. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. A penance hat (there are 4 different types) is also part of the "set",however if were to become storeable,they may need to be seperate from the rest of the set similar to void sets.


This system is a bit of a hassle when in PvP for the most part

This system is a bit of a hassle when in PvP for the most part, as switching styles like this could leave you with half of your LP gone before you have a chance to really fight back. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. So again, having the option to have multiple bars on the screen at once, would be a huge help, for example i could have, 1 bar for equipment/food, one for shield skills, and one for the combat style i'm currently using

I would really like to see this included in the new interface, if it is not already (I dont have access to the alpha yet). I didn't see it fisher but I'm sure its somewhere around there lol. I'll fiddle with it more, later and find out. I'd really like to comment, but STILL CAN'T GET IN! Received my invite via email, am a gold club member, yet, however many times I attempt to log in, I receive the same message... Look for
cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. not logged out from previous session, or world too full. (just checked. 11 people playing in the Alpha world. Please fix this!!! (seems there are quite a few others having the same problem if what I'm seeing on the forums is an indicator...)

After several more sessions, I basically like the concept. Unfortunately the implementation, even though customizable, burns way to much real estate. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? That in conjunction with the limited zoom out makes the game frustrating and almost unplayable for me. Picking the "classic" defaults shrinks the screen from near full screen to the really old fixed size classic screen, making the situation even worse.


I have noticed a few issues with the alpha

I love the new NIS. Yes there are a few bugs to work out, but one of the better updates. Still loving the new interface, but anyone else a little annoyed about your inventory popping up in the middle of the screen? Minor complaint. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I'm just speechless. Epic content ahead for us, and I thank you Jagex for enabling Silver/Gold Premium members to help provide feedback on it

ok first off love the looks of it and i know a lot is still missing like interface for setting customization but tone thing you need to fix quickly or explain how to do is chat mode i hit enter and go to chat but every time i hit w,a,s or d keys the screen rotates it is very distracting is there a way to chat and use those 4 keys with your view being rotated? I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy.

I have noticed a few issues with the alpha I would like to address quickly.-The icons for Momentum and for Incite are always sitting right on top of my character. I don't know why this is, but it only appears when the respective abilities are active. -I dislike the glowing notifications every time something happens (game updates, chat, etc.)-The zoom function is nice, but I would like to be able to zoom out further in full-screen mode. I was stuck super zoomed in at my character the entire time. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. -I would also like to be able to delete interfaces when needed (like the ability bar). This way, the space can be used more efficiently when these are not needed.

All-in-all, the interface design is wonderful. I love the idea and hope to see it implemented perfectly when RS3 goes live.


Difficult to click on streams

A few other minor bugs in caves under Lumby: frogs “climbing”; rocks, I was able to “melt”; into walls, and tears of guthix didn't work well. Difficult to click on streams. Will continue testing. Is this the forum you want feedback on? runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? Hope so, cuz that's where i put it. Can I have my party hat now? 

I didn't know where to post this, so I try here. I have received approval mail for beta testing, but I can't log in to the beta. I get Message that my account is not an approved beta user. I can't post on beta forum either. Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. I even received a survey about the beta. My main acc, which is a gold member, did not get that mail in privat mail rl, only within the rs mail system.

Firstly, I LOVE the new graphical effects, the draw distance, the water, the shading, and the lighting is absolutely gorgeous. I love being in my house and seeing the light pour in through the window. It's fantastic. The look of the beta is nothing short of amazing. I can't say enough good about it.

The downside? The game is so slow and so ridiculously laggy that it's almost completely unplayable on my computer, even on low graphical settings. I do understand that this is at least partially because the beta is not yet optimised. People are
looking for runescape accounts for sell here. I hope that when it is, it can run just as fast as the main game (or even faster!), which I play on high graphical settings with significant lag only when I head into busy areas like cities. 


I would like to know exactly how i can use the html5 runescape 3

i would like to know exactly how i can use the html5 runescape 3... the message did entail that my JAG account guardian can block runescape 3 and so i will need to switch to the runescape 3 device in the JAG account settings... Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. i went to those settings and cannot find any device or button which has the Runescape ******, it only has the same devices in which i made before on runescape 2.... please help!

personaly found the largest obstacle being the lagg, understandably this has been explained in the post however I myself with full hd intel graphics card + i3 processor with all updated graphics drivers and Chrome installed could not run the alpha enough to enjoy or appreciate the graphics. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? The graphics loaded far to slow to enjoy the difference to the full extent.

what I could get to load was too bright and I could not enjoy the sky from any view angle. I tried locations like white wolf mountain peak and could just about manage to view farming patch in catherby, it wasn't great though.

what would make a difference to me when lagg disappears would be to see the integration of players in the distance, this would make the world seem less baron, and more populated and alive, this would benefit people in the wilderness when searching for 'prey'. You can go to this place to
sell rs accounts. To expand on that the integration of npc's in the distance would be fantastic too, and would help players search out npc's to train on from distances or implings and even populated areas. 


Will it improve as time goes on or is it because this is beta?

Hi, not sure if its me, but it looks horrible :-( no distinct lines, very fuzzy not at all what i expected. It is taking a while to load the page and the graphics as i move about- i expected that, but even when i revisit, its well, ughh. Will it improve as time goes on or is it because this is beta? do i need to change something in my settings? runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I have good specs on my pc. and have superb graphics on 'normal' rs. (also, i couldnt remove roofs, is this a temp. thing?

I am not very computer savy, so maybe there’s something i am missing :-) Love the oppurtunity to test it out though, and appreciate it is early days Mugz ps- i keep losing connection there too. I want
runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. pps.- from top of scorpion tower, the mage trees have no leaves :-)

Mod crow why was everyone with a year or more membership with no breaks in payments given access to eoc beta but not for html5 beta. This number has to be way bigger than the number for html5 beta yet you say you can't give early access cause its too many. I don't care either way if I have access or not early on but it seems as of late you have been placing people in groups causing a lot of ill feelings among your loyal player base. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. I truly hope this works itself out cause so many people have put a lot of time and effort and gave your their hard earned cash to play a game they love only in turn to get slapped in the mouth.


It is unbearable that there will be low frame rate and load times

I know you said that there will be low frame rate and load times but this is unbearable. I have like the best specs on my PC and I can not even turn my camera. It literally takes a whole minute to do a full 360. 50% of the features are inaccesible and the game is completely unplayable! I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. If you look in your clan chat in HTML 5 it shows you are not a member of your clan. It is pretty weird.

A couple random weird bugs I've noticed in the beta, the text in the chat box slightly overlaps my username, clan vexillums and capes are shown as default, and i cant access my clan citadel. other than those and the lag (which i'm sure is temporary) This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. im really enjoying html5. Didn't want to have to scroll through multiple pages, but anyone else getting a message when logging into the beta from the same device you use for the client version of the game that says that JAG doesn't recognize the device, even when it is the same device set up on JAG?

html5 is a beta, not even part of the game yet. its released before its ready so people can test it and give feedback about its positives and negatives. Can anyone on a Mac load the game? I know JMods say they work on Macs but it doesn't seem to be loading for me. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. A quick check shows that I have the latest version of Chrome. ive noticed the brightness too, i use an Armadyl godsword and the light reflecting off of it was downright annoying at times.


The shadows in the game so far are super impressive digging it

My Brother has been playing for 8 years, and been a member for 7. He didn't get picked for the Beta. I have been playing 4 years, and haven't been picked for it. Yet i bet there will be players that have started playing within the last year, this doesn't show much care for long standing paying members. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. I think jagex have ****** a lot of people off. Especially making it bannable to livestream.

Wow even with the slow run speed they spoke on, the shadows in the game so far are super impressive digging it. Thanks again for the invite. Also Jagex needs to check out some of their fairy teleport areas, you can see places like draynor, the area where you make cosmic runes, and places you basically shouldn't see. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. If any of you wanna check it out go to CKP on your fairy ring teleport. Not sure if there are other places like this but they might want to look into this

I had to re-register JAG to my laptop to log in. It's very, very laggy at the moment, but the water textures look incredible! In the beta do we still have access to skill combat lvl and bank? Just want to know as i have a feeling that some people who i know might switch so just curious. i click go to beta. i load it. i log in. nothing is differnet!!! This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. someones please tell me what im doing wrong. eeps logging me into the Java client instead of html5 even though I'm on the beta page clicking "Play html5 now


Why is that transcript not a sticky?

Nothing personal.. but , please, next time choose another mod to talk, mod osborne's accent make it difficult for some non-english people to understand exactly what he is saying itunes only? really? i would like to listen to this, i like the mahjaratt lore, but i am not going to install itunes just for it (i tried it once, it's awful). Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. is there any way that these padcasts can be placed on the jagex soundcloud or the regular download section, to listen on a player of my choice?

I really enjoy these podcasts. Keep up with great work! But I would like to ask one thing. What was wrong about the old Podcast site (PodOmatic)? I could subscribe to RSS feed or download your podcast into my PC. Now I have to download iTunes which I don't want. I can't add RSS feed nor download the podcast. But I have to wonder: why is that transcript not a sticky? People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. It'll just get buried on the forums... actually, I think you should link transcripts of podcasts on the home page.

Also, can we expect further podcasts to be transcribed too? And, I almost don't dare ask, will we see former podcasts being retroactively transcribed? Oh, and as for the Podbean link: that too belongs in the news post. Linking only to iTunes will put off a lot of people. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. I don't understand why you use iTunes at all - just slap a still picture on it and host the audio on your YouTube channel 


Just put back my stat in Old School so I can spend time playing

they are REALLY going mad... I was thinking this for the last 2 or 3 years but come on... pick up that hat ! it isnt nice do drop stuff on floor think about nature. I've camped/searched for 2 days straight, and still no Phat.  I wanted the old runescape game. rather than the new one Xd. when is it gonna end i dont have membersip and where r they dropping? I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. I Seriously miss old runescape... i played fron 2007 to 2011 it was pretty good, now new runes sucks.

Hell Yeah, but when a played with you, you never helped me, just kidded. Of Course I won't get one though, Even though lots of people have them already, OF COURSE. I JUST WANT A PURPLE ONE, THATS ALL, BUT NOOOOO. give us a stat FeedBack for 30$... Hellow!!! We already worked out this levels You cant just let me race them again for like 3 years and what if you took of this old school away in 1 year... People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. I was 17 years old when I was playing RS now I'm 21 And I cant spend the same time I have more stuff to do..

Just put back my stat in Old School so I can spend time playing it this is Harss.. I quited it after I voted Yes for it.. THANK YOU! You ALWAYS try to find away to abuse the players you take wild off then 07 then give it back without stat.. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? WTH really ? Yeah i was going to say, Wow there goes the price on those..


Very good video i enjoyed a lot

Without these "idiot writers" we'd get less updates and the ones we do get would be much worse. I'm not a fan of Mod Osborne as he just moves his mouth with exaggeration it seems. Just too much movement for the words. However I still made it to the end and I was not disappointed, I really enjoyed the short music at the end! Look for cheap runescape accounts, who can tell me where to get it. far from mad. but if you are one of those internet adults that looks for angry kids to masturbate to I'm sure you have no problem finding them.

Very good video i enjoyed a lot i can not wait for more quests or w/e to decide the future, i am really looking forward to it! pls do not let us down!! obviously you are the dumbass because you don't know how to spell check or proof read. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. so please move on. your point does not phase anyone. and you are like 40 years old playing a pg game. Congratulations.

This is far from the whole story, this is merely the story as it directly relates to current events, for instance this video didn't even mention the god wars which are the reason Guthix created the barrier to lock out the other gods in the first place. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? nd there i was waiting for a comic book like strip way of him telling the story. I'm quite disapointed that it was told as if it were a story aimed at an audience of 7 year olds...


You schould do a runescape 2 graphic version

You schould do a runescape 2 graphic version like in 2007-2009, for runescape 3 without going into the oldschool rs. We do have pre Eoc servers. Play oldschool or shut up.  I love how you listen to your dying community by making 07 scape in a last effort. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. Then you force us to pay for it. Dropping in a random place each world then spawning to a different random spot. Only been talking about this for weeks...

'dropping' been looking for one for the past 4 days. Seems a little pointless though considering every single player will have one. does anyone has a free runescape member account? Where and by what are they being dropped? You can go to this place to sell runescape account.Saradomin Swords now look like Saradomin Godswords? Or glitch?  If you say "leechday" on rs you get a free 350k xp lamp....

Do the spawn locations change after 30 mins? Someone on the forums said that was so. why i got my from sep 2009 i felt awesome o one of very few peoplke who still have em. ~s s goku123. Do the spawn locations change after 30 mins? This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts. Someone on the forums said that was so. The first item to ever be duplicated. Epic. Fact is ur all a bunch of idiots this ain't a real rs Page just a way for people to get information to hack you... Over a million likes, and talked about on the official RuneScape homepage. Yup, it's fake!


runescape is for autistic people with Aspergers

a lyre... I'll play it as bad as I can and as loud as I can to make them all deaf! Why do you need a instrument when you can one hit them with a kick. Good ole 'murican rifle flute. It's one of those eastern instrument. Use a flute or a set of drum sticks. Poke them in the eyes if all else fails. The Granite Maul. I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy. That's an instrument, right? karaoke machine and sing so false that the goblins fall to the ground trying to close there ears but fail!!

I would use the flute and play that song that makes them all peacefull and jump off a bridge. Either that or get a tuba and smack them! no garret mayonnaise is not a musical instrument. runescape is for autistic people with Aspergers. put two triangles together, you get a pyramid, put three together and you get a k-simplex. People are selling runescape accounts here. i don't think a goblin's physics can withstand the fourth dimension.  I'm able to make music with 2 primal longswords, don't ask how, so I'll use The longswords .

What about the combat triangle? Probably the snake-charming flute-at least you can JAB with that.... lol mod marks head ?...its so enormous all you'd get is black screen ! lol some kind of string instrument to shoot a arrow from. This is a trustable platform to sell rs accounts.  this... reminds me of terraria... weapon, musical intrument, harp, yup.  a flute, because I know the Fatal Flute fighting system (kinda). ill use my float as it creats sounds while i am hitting.


I hate the new combat-level system

Other than that new leveling system, I think you guys have been doing good so far. You don't know how much I hate the new combat-level system. I'm going to live stream when it enters game and then after first couple attempts im going to solo it even if i die. Please change EoC back to 2011 please, that was the BEST runescape year. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? Just another update for the high-leveled players to avoid boredom of the game. For me, this update is rather disappointing. I want to see Divination and a new quest either this month or the next.

Is it just me, or are bots finding their way back into the game? I'm hopeing they are not. It is so much more fun without them. Bots are obviously trying to survive, but Jagex won't stop banning them, don't worry. People are selling runescape accounts here. In the rules it says his name is 'Varago', not Vorago... Should really check for typos. No thanks, you just want more of my money... Your last 12 month "package" didn't work out as tasty as it was displayed...C'mon Jagex... Seriously... I know plenty of us who used to mail you guys $60+ USD a year... Welp, you know why we quit doing that.

I am not quite sure where to ask this question but here the moderators seem to donate a lot of their time to players. Look for runescape accounts for sale? Try this. I ask this question not out of disrespect but out of genuine interest. I have played runescape for a very long time and even though ha... 


At first glance I thought that was a WoW character.

At first glance I thought that was a WoW character. it sucks because i never win anything good the best i got is lucky sword for like 500k so i dont bother thats one thing i never get lucky is runescape. Yet another ploy by Jagex to entice players into gaining in-game wealth by spending real world money (The only *practical* way of getting this valuable item is by purchasing spins on the SOF). Have rs accounts for sale, do you have interest? As if Jagex wasn't monetarily sound enough...  Can't get it because people want them for a stupid price!!

The crown makes you look like a pikmin. already got it, gonna let it sit in the bank for a year or longer. I'm not one to complain about updates, but making 'tradeable rares' is such a dumb idea. And there's also a time for getting closer to quitting runescape with these updates. RS got boring,they made NPcs so easy,i mean i can slol QBD and KBD plus the Kalphite King adn Queen with ease and my acc was soo weak.........

 I hate this update , they want us to buy meat spins to get the crown. Yeah, yeah, another item that costs millions and millions of coins. Wow. Big deal. Changes with the seasons. I know a lot that changes with the seasons. rs accounts selling information waiting for you in this platform. Like the world. Woo-hoo. Anyone got rares message me ill buy. Kids are so wearing me down to be members...lol If they get to be members, then I wanna be a member to....haha


I'm kind of sad that I didn't enter your 'RuneScape journey' competition

Good news everyone made me think of futurama xD. I'm kind of sad that I didn't enter your 'RuneScape journey' competition now Jagex. Is there much chance of you doing it again, maybe in a years time? Also, would I have stood much of a chance without the video editing skills most of the video makers will have? You can buy runescape accounts from this platform. why does the sword in the picture spell out "m ng p w g" ? its furthark... but its not in English. and i connect with facebook so i cant do 07 severs plz fix that  idk 1 i want cash and 2 that party outfit sounds pritty dope.

or a party chest plate make a party outfit and make it like the rich guys clothes. i dont know much but u should do an event like the thing in 2001 were people got party hats or something if u have played 10 days in a row u get a idk happy box with anywere from 100m to 2b in it. hey ppl its "bloody beet" her chilling in mems world hit me up send me a msg saying noob lol...

Aee guys I love the real pegon Leters duds I'm such an rune doc dudes can I get free stuff or how.dudes can I work for y'all I Ben playing for like 12 years guys ill do it dudes what can I do to help. Here somebody sell rs accounts. Much love peace out. can html5/rs3 possibly come in the future inter great a com system so when your in a clan or friends chat you could talk into a mic and chat with your clan mates. instead of using a 3rd party inter face?


Many previous rs players quit because of all the new 'updates'

Honestly I think about 70% of your previous rs players quit because of all the new 'updates' Like the new combat system or whatever. In my opinion, I think jagex should revert back to the old combat system, and prices, and stats for equipment, and have it like it was around 2008 or 2009 with g.e and not having to now get 50 atk or def to use rune and stuff like that, for free. Here are runescape accounts selling advice for you. Ik they have the 2007 servers for money now.

Play TERA and stop complaining. It's a better game anyways. Make a new rare item all of the currents ones are dull.  Thats why you dont stand behind Coporeal Beast, dat gas blast. Looks like this will be vorago's last second attempt to kill any player near him. I don't think melee is going to enjoy that.

Opinions are great input and feedback! Ryan has valid points and Runescape should take note of what he has said! But like we have done on the past we must adapt till change happens. agex is better at listening to players and feedback than any other company I've ever come across. Want to buy runescape account, this is a good choice. Ryan's comments will be read, although I wouldn't say he has any valid points, he's just another crybaby. Quite an aggressive crybaby.

Runescape tends to change without listening to the general publics concerns. Especially when it came to EOC, thus loosing numerous players. Not denying opinion matters, it's just with a company such as Runescape being owned by IVP there's little we can do.