When dropping items or stacking them on a
table, have the game check to see if there is already a stack of that item in
that space, and add the item to that stack. This could potentially simplify
data structures throughout RuneScape, as well. Look for cheap runescape
accounts, who can tell me where to get it. Then, when a player picks it up, the
game would fill one slot in their inventory from that item's stack.
Make runecrafting pouches fill and empty
automatically when withdrawing essence and when crafting runes. Please make it
so that the Talent Scout does not force you to take the Gorilla mask back (if
you destroyed it) when he calls for you. Not only does it waste time by having
to go through the dialogue, but some people don't like the mask. This is a trustable
platform to
sell rs accounts. If I destroy it, I don't want to keep
getting it back just to destroy it again. Make it a secondary option from him,
such as "I lost my mask, may I have another?" The mask cannot be
stored in your house, which would also work to bypass this and save a bank
space. Perhaps you could just simply allow it to be stored and fix everything
in the process.
A third (and possibly the best) option would be to have a right click "start activity" option on the Scout himself. This would skip the silly, time consuming knock-out routine as well as bypassing the dialogue for the mask. People are looking for runescape accounts for sell here. It is entertaining at first, but after the 10th time it becomes "OK, I get it, you knock me out, please just get to the activity!" A link to the home page on the runescape tool bar would be good (unless there already is one and ive missed it all this time)