
I have noticed a few issues with the alpha

I love the new NIS. Yes there are a few bugs to work out, but one of the better updates. Still loving the new interface, but anyone else a little annoyed about your inventory popping up in the middle of the screen? Minor complaint. runescape accounts selling guidance, is it helpful? I'm just speechless. Epic content ahead for us, and I thank you Jagex for enabling Silver/Gold Premium members to help provide feedback on it

ok first off love the looks of it and i know a lot is still missing like interface for setting customization but tone thing you need to fix quickly or explain how to do is chat mode i hit enter and go to chat but every time i hit w,a,s or d keys the screen rotates it is very distracting is there a way to chat and use those 4 keys with your view being rotated? I want runescape accounts for sale, and am looking for places to buy.

I have noticed a few issues with the alpha I would like to address quickly.-The icons for Momentum and for Incite are always sitting right on top of my character. I don't know why this is, but it only appears when the respective abilities are active. -I dislike the glowing notifications every time something happens (game updates, chat, etc.)-The zoom function is nice, but I would like to be able to zoom out further in full-screen mode. I was stuck super zoomed in at my character the entire time. You can go to this place to sell rs accounts. -I would also like to be able to delete interfaces when needed (like the ability bar). This way, the space can be used more efficiently when these are not needed.

All-in-all, the interface design is wonderful. I love the idea and hope to see it implemented perfectly when RS3 goes live.

