
Go to the home page during peak times

Go to the home page during peak times and go to the 07 home page subtract the amount and that is the amount playing on 07.Hold on what I said Made no sense -.- take the playerbase from the rs home page and the player base from the 07 page. Subtract them and I garuntee you EoC has more players.cheap diablo 3 gold.Don't say it is because of bots either because there are a whole bunch more on 07 due to lack of decent botting system.Actually theres more bots on EoC due to the f2p worlds half of the players on EoC are f2p.instead of wasting time on the 07 servers, spend some time on the eoc servers to fix the lag, and the unknown disconnects.
Kidding me? The servers on 07 is even worse. Disconnecting every 5 minutes .If you don't like Runescape, stop complaining about it, if you don't like it don't play it.Things started to go down hill once that new trading system occurred. That's when I stopped playing all together.The new graphics look wonderful but 07Scape will always have better graphics.Exactly but saying 07 has better graphics is like saying minecraft looks better than crysis.Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, for killing her parents.diablo 3 gold for sale.She got so bad and killed all the hospital staff, so the More-government chose that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible, but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong.

