I would have to go with the Evil Chicken, since the word "Evil" is
stated in its name, and therefor the only truly evil thing in all of
runescape.Evil Chicken all the way, anyone who disagrees will soon be tasty human chicken feed. no
one ever really believes themselves to be the bad guy unless they're
just incredibly stupid. But some guys go out of their way to appear good
but in the end their doing it for themselves. There's not too many out
there anymore that help people out when there isn't something in it for
them. It's sort of a corrupted perspective of real life ethics.
over the years i've noticed less and less player mods around runescape.
when i first started in 05 i saw one atleast once a week, usually they
would be in pairs. but it slowed from once a week, to once every other
week, to months, and i can't recall ever seeing one in the last 3 years.I'm
not one who will go insane and total fan-boy kiss-up if i see one, but i
do respect those who help and are nice to the less knowledgeable
characters. I kind of agree there isn't that many, I want to enjoy the game but
there is so many rule breakers and nothing being done, I know they do
the best they can but there is like one mod for every 1000 people its
just not possible.buy runescape gold.I would want the basic level of clan support back such as friend chats.
Any more than that and we are starting to move into the newer version of
the game. In regards to non-clan updates, I wouldn't mind having the Grand
Exchange added.
I think the hard thing for Jagex would be finding people they can
actually count on to the right thing and I mean, like you said
'Community has gone downhill' . It may be a little hard to find those
Basically, for those of you who don't know, the Squeal of Fortune is a
wheel you can spin twice daily, for free st00fs, allegedly such as
godswords and spirit shields, with the most expensive items being
untradeableConsidering that the economy will start off anew, it
will be difficult to find supplies when you first start out. So selling
it to the GE will open up the market to a whole bunch of buyers and
I'm on the fence about adding PvM opportunities such as the God Wars
Dungeon (original). If they do, then that should be the furthest it
should go. Not only was it a great money maker for many players, but it
was at a sweet spot in time where things were just starting to reach
endgame and weren't underpowered.