is a traiter. Zaros has the most powerful followers, armor, prayers,
magics, and was far stronger than any of the gods except for guthix.
Currently he is still one of the strongest gods.Hail
Zaros! Our Empty Lord may not be in the plains of Gielinor But his
influence is coming back strong and we will rule the land again!Why isn't there a Brassica Prime emissary? I'm not even joking--I would thoroughly enjoy seeing that update.Cannot
wait for the Zamorak and Sliske emmisaries... can a player be devoted
then to more then just one? Sliske isn't even a god really. for the people who think that burning gasses in the sky can decide the future of
runescape accounts.such a fail.Ben
hamrick, zaros never died.. He has the ability to go corporeal. ZamorK
only ever gained a 3rd ofvhis power lol.. Seriously why are you making
such stupid comments when you don't even understand the basic lore..
Technically zaros is the only god that was never even effected by the
eddicts, therefore he could continuevinfluencing the realm since guthix
had no knowledge of him.. Of course i've been guthixian since classic
any of you play rsps's i got a server you can play if you donate 20$
you can become the strongest in the game, and help the serevr get
popular. im me and ill hook you up.You guys should bring back Tutorial Island. Tutorial Island is much better than that new crap you guys have.sell rs accounts.My Alignment has always been with Guthix and balance, This mean I have to go with the Godless? Most
likely if you wish to honor his last wish. This will only be answered
for certain when this update is finally released, though.