
did you see the post from MMG

did you see the post from MMG where he mentions that jagex bans over 1,000 player accounts every day for botting. Do you ever think. Why not more? It is my opinion that a 1000 a day is the break even point from new bots coming on and those that they ban....keeping the money in the bank and not allowing them to over run the game completely. Truth is they could do many more and if they did it would destroy the game and their precious bank.buy runescape gold.I like how you think. I have thought that all along that they base their bans on equal number of new memberships so that their player numbers stay the same.

 I really think it would be advantageous to players to have immediate feedback when you report bots and other players that have offenses. Jagex should send a report to the player that reported the offender saying that they banned or muted the account for 'x' number days, or are permanently banned.where to buy runescape accounts.So let's think about this, if botters bot at $7.95 for membership, even if they get banned they are selling gp for RWT and are making a ton of money, as is Jagex with their memberships. So in reality, botting is a WIN/WIN for Jagex and the RWT gold sites. The only people it really affects negatively are the 'real' players who pay membership.

