That's the black knight who stole my gp! EOC
SUCKS!!!!!! Please get Rs07 back we beg you (like if you hate EOC) eoc
or old runescape be honest witch one is cooler?
I could animate/rig a better armor look in
20 minutes... With the current graphical modifications, Black armor is actually
even cooler than rune. Daedric heavy armor from skyrim is neat. Find rs accounts
for sale, please tell me. In terms of new looks? Black Plate. White
plate looks like it offers less protection than white chain.
"I see a red door and i want it
painted black. no colors anymore i want them to turn black. Black as Knight,
Black as Coal!" Black armor is always win, especially before the red
accents. Tbh i wish they bought these armour looks back.. It looks more
Black, rs classic black. That armour
was buff looking and looked good with any color scheme. Black knights... now
maybe if the white's had white armour... lol. paula deen doesnt like black
knights so i choose white. Have runescape
accounts selling information, please le me know. Everyone should go play
one of the thousands of RSPS's. Google it if you don't know what it is. you're
welcome. Well really i dont care about whos armour is cooler, i like white
knights about their history!!!!;)
Neither, they need updated looks. The
"updated looks" are terrible. Worse than this? I don't what you want.