think we can vomit better lookign gear..make an effort Blizz. You make
MILLIONS off your players and THIS garbage is the best you can do? I
think i see some chunks of corn in there. Fail blizz..just fail.The
best in life is to see blizzard completely losing touch with any good
sense of design they had and not regretting at all my decision to stop
playing. I mean, WHO IS COMING UP WITH THIS KITSCH?poorly
designed armor poorly displayed.cheap runescape gold .the warriors have some decent
armor, and paladins have a helariously awesome set, but other than that
the best i can call most of the other sets is 'alright', and usually
when i look at them i say "it's alright, except for..."
need some more bright and flashy sets like back in bc, and i'd settle
for some classicly styled vintage vanilla gear, but i'm tired of the
armor looking the same boring drab style they changed to in lich king.runescape accounts for sale.i'm really dissappointed that they didnt do more flashy sets in cata, it
was the perfect excuse to go back to the burning crusades styles and
revamp them, but blizz passed up on that chance.mop
either needs to make their armor HEAVILY influenced by the asian
cultures they are supposed to be inspired by, or they need to make
somehting that looks good, enough of this generic crap that looks so